Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Spring 2019

  • Carol's first patchwork cushion

Shelly goes on retreats and this is her board bag.

Margaret retrieved a quilt started ....years ago.

Margaret Kindly offered this for Kenya.
Susanne has a Japanese influence here.
Gloria tried this jelly roll quilt 
Pat has completed her Compass quilt from a precious workshop
Chris has made the famous Jeaniality bag
Here is the other side of the bag
Mary wanted to contribute to Kenya charity and dug out some blocks and put this super quilt together
Pat has enjoyed sashimi and made this cushion
Carol has made her Jeaniality bag so now she is off on her patchwork journey
Hereis the other side of her bag.
Margaret has put this lovely black and white quilt together
Pat has made yet another sashiko cushion. 
Sandra has gone all African with this quilt from har stash of African fabrics

Cherrill has put this French braids quilt for her bed.